Cannabis Producers pay $2.76 Million by Deadline

While fees remain high, plant count restriction limits available medicine

(Albuquerque) – The 35 Licensed Non­Profit Producers (LNPPs) of New Mexico’s fully patient-­funded and self-­supporting Medical Cannabis Program paid $2.76 million in fees to the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) Monday, according to a report released from the NMDOH.

The fees were for a total of 13,800 plants, which serve the state’s 26,568 medical cannabis patients as of June 30, 2016. The current ratio of plants per patient is one half of a plant per patient in New Mexico, while other states such as Colorado approve 6 plants per patient for medical cannabis producers, according to the Colorado Department of Revenue’s 2015 annual update. On average, 300,000 to 320,000 medical cannabis plants were cultivated each month in Colorado.

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